Windows 3.1 in browser reddit
Windows 3.1 in browser reddit

windows 3.1 in browser reddit

If ((manufacturer = "microsoft corporation" & !model.Contains("surface")) String model = item.ToString().ToLower() String manufacturer = item.ToString().ToLower() Logger.AddInformation("Win32_ComputerSystem Manufacturer: " + item.ToString() + ", Model: " + item.ToString(), null, null) Using (var searcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("Select * from Win32_ComputerSystem")) There was a concern that SEB was using methods that were not very pleasant for a student, such as detecting processes and services of a virtual machine (VM) in the system, but when studying the source code, it was found that the check for launching from a VM occurs in the IsInsideVM () function of the SEBWindowsClientMain.cs file: private static bool IsInsideVM() But somehow he realizes that a virtual machine is being used! Here, unfortunately, we failed – in such conditions SEB does not even allow itself to be launched. Therefore, we need to find a way to cheat with SEB enabled!įirst, we decided to see if SEB could be enabled in a virtual machine. The previous method, of course, is very simple and straightforward, but a situation may well arise that the examiner also collects the exam logs – and SEB just logs all its events: turning off unauthorized processes, clearing the clipboard and much more. Changing the configuration file of the virtual machine All such permissions and other settings are performed using the SEB Configurator and are written to a configuration file that is subsequently launched by the desktop application.Ģ. The examiner can allow third-party applications, such as Excel or a calculator, to be used during the exam, and then the student will be able to launch them. Interaction over the network is only possible with the SEB browser, while the browser connects to the educational platform on which the test or exam is hosted (for example, Moodle). The application runs on the student’s computer and blocks all other applications except those required to pass the exam. SEB’s architecture includes two parts: a desktop application and a browser.

windows 3.1 in browser reddit

  • saving information in the clipboard before entering the program.
  • launching an application in a virtual machine.
  • parallel search for information in a web browser.
  • windows 3.1 in browser reddit

  • opening extraneous applications (video and voice communication).
  • Safe Exam Browser (SEB) is a program for conducting exams, tests, etc.

    windows 3.1 in browser reddit

    Windows 3.1 in browser reddit how to#

    Of course, this is not an obstacle for resourceful students – you can google the answers to the test on a second computer (or ask a friend to google it).īut, since we are labor at heart, we decided to check how much this SEB really helps in conducting exams and how to programmatically bypass its sensitive control (provided that the student has basic computer skills, does not get horrified by the words “ virtual machine ”and knows how to install the plug-in for the Mozilla Firefox browser). Many Russian universities have implemented the Safe Exam Browser program to check student progress, which prevents almost all attempts to cheat. It would seem that with the transition to distance learning, everything has become easier for the student – you just need to make a smart face when answering a question on a webcam, and you can read the material from a parallel open document on a computer. The year was 2020 … The whole world is in a panic, the ruble is falling, states are going into emergency mode … Despite all this, the main desire of the average student remains the same – to pass the session with the least effort and time spent on preparation. Safe Exam Browser (SEB)… It would seem that now not a single freebie seeker will be able to cheat, but is this “fortress” really so inaccessible? Come under the cut, today we will tell and show you a bunch of ways to cheat SEB! In Russia, this problem was solved using an open-source program.

    Windows 3.1 in browser reddit